Monday, November 21, 2011


A brief update : I wrote something here.

I have a huge list of rants against the murder of languages, especially English. (it's one of the few languages I know, and it's one that seems to be the most abused).

Will elaborate later. Just one question for now. Do you have a hundred bugs on you?  (it's a question of money, folks ;) )

Of music(k) & magnets*

Last night, a friend asked me why I wasn't blogging much of late. (As a punishment  sign of my pleasure, I shall do a post on him... Sometime soon, hopefully.) My SLR (sole loyal reader) also commented on my absence from blogging.

I wanted to respond to his post, but have kept delaying it. And since I've anyway put it off for so many days, a few more shouldn't make a difference. M, I'll do the post very soon. Take my word for it. 

On Saturday, the people at home wanted to go to bed early, as we had to get up early on Sunday. I couldn't sleep, so I plugged in my earphones, increased the volume of my music player to the maximum, and started singing along. The beats of the songs made me sway along. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the music. All was well for a few minutes. Then I suddenly felt some movement near me. I opened my eyes, and there was my brother, doubled up and shaking with uncontrollable laughter. My mother was laughing, too.

It turns out that I wasn't just singing, I'd been screaming. Plus, I was singing a Spanish song. I actually sang "en el mar", (meaning, in the sea); which my brother took to be "ennama...". It seems I sounded like a beggar asking for alms. My brother even tried to make a video of my singing, but laughter prevented his hand from keeping still. And probably saved the world ;)

Today, my friends were commenting on my recent silence. I claimed I was usually silent, but they refused to listen to me. Then they started on one of their favourite jobs : inventing link-ups featuring me.

In recent months, they'd been linking me to a certain new friend. They even offered me an explanation for his trips out of town, and told me stories of a prospective Taj Mahal down south. If I can't go to visit the Taj Mahal, the Taj will come to me. Or so I thought. Alas... So fickle the tastes of Man...

The latest of my "conquests" seems to be this senior from my community. My friends keep on and on about my "progress" and the "interest" I'm evoking. I'm still looking for a wall to bang my head against. (My friend very kindly reminded me that there were many rocks on the campus, which would serve the purpose just as well. Thanks, I-man, for the suggestion.)

I actually tried to see if there could be a grain of truth in my friends' rumours. The mind boggles at the mere thought of the scenarios and pictures they paint.

All this makes me think of what my best friend once called me. "Psycho magnet"!!! Unfortunately, I'm reminded of this label now... 

"No comment". This will be reply to my friends' allegations. And maybe if I keep practising those words, I can say them confidently when I become famous and get asked questions by journos.

Now off I go. It's time I stopped being the "criminal waste to community" that one of my closest friends accused me of being. I'd like to get back my lost "comedy piece" label :) (The way I made a couple of my friends laugh makes me feel I'm well on the way back to getting the lost label)

Adios, folks.

*- the title reminds me of something I read by someone : "The reason we had kids was that it seemed like a good thing at the time"... I mean, it sounded like a good title when I typed it, now I feel it leaves much to be desired. But still, I've used worse titles, so I let it stand...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

For the time being...

Should be done with them soon. Hopefully. And should last at least 3 days, again, hopefully. Except for Rabelais, maybe, which should take quite some time. It's one of the books I've wanted to read, but not sure if I can read the French version just yet. Remains to be seen. The book on Egypt needs revision :) 

The variety should do me good, after a n-th time revision of  various Wodehouse novels...

Recommendations, suggestions welcome. As are books :) Thanks...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Some things to ponder upon

"They failed to go into the students..."

This was a statement from the campaign of one of the parties at our student elections. Not going into students, serious crime indeed! No wonder they wanted to be elected. Wonder how they would have rectified it. The mind boggles at the mere thought of the possibilities...

Another point on their agenda : "In case of unnatural death of any student or employee, they should be given suitable economic compensation*." Now, I wonder how they intend to do this.

Anyway, enough about it.

On a different note, why is it that people claim to belong to a "grammar police" and say that they can't tolerate bad grammar, only to write with bad grammar the next moment?

Case in question here.

At least, she does not.

That's it for now.

Be back later.

Just wanted to get these out of my head...